In *Home and Away*, a new storyline unfolds as Remi and Kirby find themselves facing
an unexpected enemy in the form of Summer Bay newcomer Abigail. The band, Lyric,
may be on hiatus due to personal challenges, but tension is about to rise for its members.
Abigail, Eden’s younger sister, holds a deep grudge against Remi and Kirby, revealing a vendetta that threatens to shake things up.
While Eden is focused on helping Abigail through her struggles with drug addiction, Abigail harbors resentment toward Eden’s bandmates. She openly displays her hostility, especially when living arrangements are discussed, refusing to stay anywhere near Remi and expressing her dislike for Kirby. This anger stems from Abigail’s belief that Remi is to blame for pulling Eden away from her during Lyric’s rise to fame. When the band took off, Eden began spending most of her time with Remi and Kirby, leaving Abigail feeling abandoned and rejected by her sister. She sees Remi as the one who stole Eden from their close-knit family, and she hasn’t let go of those painful feelings.
Rather than confronting her siblings, Abigail sets her sights on making Remi and Kirby’s lives difficult. Levi, Abigail’s brother, tries to ease the situation by offering her a place to stay at his and Mackenzie’s home, but this decision is made without Mackenzie’s knowledge, creating even more tension. As the storyline progresses, Abigail’s grudge against Remi and Kirby only intensifies, leaving fans wondering where this conflict will end.
These dramatic scenes air on *Home and Away* on Friday, October 25th, and are sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats as Abigail’s vendetta plays out.