In “Home and Away,” emotions run high as Eden Fowler and Cash Newman prepare
for the heartbreaking funeral of Cash’s sister, Felicity. Eden is struggling
to hold herself together as the weight of Felicity’s death becomes overwhelming.
She and Cash return to their hometown, where they grew up with their foster father, Gary Morrow, to lay Felicity to rest. As Eden prepares for the emotional journey, she suddenly recalls that Felicity had pre-arranged for wedding dresses to be delivered, which now need to be returned. Fortunately, Remy Carter and his girlfriend Cameron step in to handle the task, relieving Eden, who is on the verge of breaking down.
For Cash, the return home stirs up painful memories as Gary reminisces about his and Felicity’s childhood on the family farm. Cash finds himself struggling to cope with the emotional toll of the funeral and the memories of his sister, leaving everyone wondering if he will be able to get through such a difficult time.
Meanwhile, another storyline unfolds as Dr. Levi Fowler makes a shocking discovery about his younger sister, Abigail. After admitting to her drug use, Abigail refuses to go to the hospital, despite suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms. Worried for her safety, Levi reluctantly gives her money to help her get by, but he remains deeply concerned about her intentions. Levi fears that Abigail may use the money to fuel her addiction, leaving him anxious about what will happen next in her life.
As both families face these tragic and emotional moments, the impact of Felicity’s death continues to weigh heavily on those she left behind.