LAUREN Bolton appears to be hiding a major secret in Coronation Street as she
is confronted after Joel Deering’s death. Major updates surrounding Joel have flooded
the ITV soap opera with a body now having been discovered in the search for the evil solicitor.

At the heart of concern is his victim Lauren Bolton.
Lauren was groomed by Joel before he shockingly beat her up earlier this year.
It caused Lauren to flee and a huge police operation began in the search to locate her and her body.
When Lauren later gave birth to Joel’s baby, Frankie, the secrets and lies soon began to spiral out of control until all of Weatherfield was left reeling at Joel’s abhorrent actions.
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In upcoming scenes, the fingers will soon begin to point as to who could be responsible for his death.
As investiagtions get underway, it is revealed that Joel seemingly died from two blows to his head.
Whilst Lauren is not considered as a suspect, Bobby soon begins to suspect that she is hiding something after acting shifty.
As Nick probes Lauren on how well she slept on the sofa of No.8 the other week – the same night Joel was seemingly killed – Bobby notices that something seems amiss between Max and Lauren.
Speaking to them, Bobby finds something about their encounter ‘off’.
Max soon makes a hasty exit which leads Bobby to question his behaviour.
Coronation Street’s Lauren Bolton pregnant and terrified as Joel Deering confronts her in hospital in gripping scenes
Chatting to Lauren about Max’s actions, he is soon met with the same response from him.
She quickly flees the Rovers in a bid to avoid chatting to Bobby.
So what exactly is Lauren hiding from Bobby?
And it could it hold the key as to what really happened to Joel?