Bernie Winter (Jane Hazlegrove) was feeling anxious in Monday’s (July 1)
episode of Coronation Street as she prepared to tell Gemma Winter (Dolly-Rose Campbell)
and Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) that they have another brother. Bernie met Kit (Jacob Roberts)
earlier this year after tracking him down. The beloved character put Kit up for adoption when he was a baby. He was born Zodiac, but then had his name changed to Christopher Green.
Once Kit realised Bernie was telling the truth about their connection, he said he doesn’t want anything to do with her. However, that statement hasn’t been correct when it comes to his new siblings.
Previously, we saw Kit help Paul and Billy (Daniel Brocklebank) out while at the hospital carpark and last week, he also assisted when Gemma got arrested for stealing some shoes.
In tonight’s episode of the ITV soap, Bernie and Dev (Jimmi Harkishin) arrived at the pub ready to meet Kit. The plan was to discuss how on earth Bernie and Kit tell the twins they have another brother, but the newcomer had other ideas.
With knowledge Gemma and Paul were at the flower shop flat, he made his way over there all alone.
At first, Gemma feared that Kit was paying them a visit in regards to her arrest, but he then revealed his identity – and they were stunned.

As Gemma and Paul attempted to process the news, it became apparent Kit saw this as a chance to get some sort of revenge on his biological mother. He told lies about Bernie and said she didn’t want him to meet his brother and sister.
Everything Kit said, Gemma and Paul were buying – and it made Bernie look terrible.
When she eventually got to the flat, Bernie tried to make Gemma and Paul see how sorry she was but sadly, they had already sided with Kit.
A little while later, Kit approached Bernie in Victoria Garden. She urged her son to be more honest with Gemma and Paul but as far as Kit was concerned, he had been truthful, and sees his mum as ‘scum’.
Back on the cobbles, Bernie approached Gemma and wanted to talk.
Gemma told Bernie that she wasn’t prepared to listen to her and as she walked into the house, she stopped her mum from entering.
Gemma said to Bernie that she doesn’t want her around the family anymore – but what will the future hold for them now?
Will they reunite, or will Kit get in the way again?