In recent scenes, the Platts have faced a huge financial crisis after Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon)
suffered a medical emergency in Turkey. After failed liposuction treatment left her in critical
condition, the bad news kept coming for Bethany when her insurance company announced
that she wasn’t covered. As the Platts questioned how they were going to afford the rest of Bethany’s hospital stay and her flights back to the UK, Gail Platt (Helen Worth) decided it was time to sell the house.
This left David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) horrified, and in upcoming scenes he will be even more disappointed when Carla announces that she has put in an offer for the house.
‘Carla comes sniffing round and David is having none of it,’ actor Jack P Shepherd revealed.
‘That’s funny because me and Ali [King] very rarely have scenes together, ever, and she’s always been saying she’d like more scenes with me. We had fun. I just messed around in a lot of them, and I made her laugh … You’ll have to watch it when it’s on, because it is funny. It made me laugh anyway and I love doing the comedic scenes with David.’
Is this finally the end of the road for the Platts and their life at No.8, or will they find a way to stop the sale going through?
‘He almost arm wrestles the “for sale” sign off the estate agent in the garden,’ Jack said. ‘He’s not best pleased, obviously. He starts shouting and kicking off and this brings on an awful lot of stress to Gail. And lo and behold, she ends up in the back of an ambulance.’
When Jesse Chadwick (John Thomson) finds Gail clutching her arm and breathing unsteadily, and immediately calls for an ambulance.
David, Sarah and Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) arrive back on the street just as Gail is being hauled away in the ambulance, and David is soon blaming himself.
As they gather around Gail’s bedside, the tensions are high as David feels he is to blame. When Jesse questions his guilt, David snaps.
Will Gail’s condition change the situation surrounding No.8, or is Carla set to get her hands on it, leaving the Platts with nowhere to go?