Hollyoaks聽has aired an unexpected return for Grace Black as she managed to save
Freddie Roscoe from a death plan hatched by Warren Fox. In tonight’s (July 11)
聽streaming episode, Warren instructed Rex and Ste Hay to murder Freddie and make it
look like an accidental drowning. Warren is convinced that Freddie is gangster Blue and that he tried to kill him in a shocking shooting.
In new scenes, Ste and Rex ordered Freddie to go with them to “just talk”, threatening to hurt his daughter Lexi if he didn’t comply.
At their hideout, Freddie worked out their real intentions, pleading with Ste to help him.
On edge, Ste blurted out Warren would kill him if he didn’t do what he said, and accused Freddie of being Blue. For his part, Freddie was adamant he had no idea what Ste was talking about and begged him to let him go to be with his daughter.
Ste agreed to help Freddie run, but he was intercepted by Rex who knocked him unconscious. As Rex was attempting to drown Freddie in the bathtub, Grace reappeared ordering him and Ste to let her husband go.